Support your team in turning strategies into success! This targeted session for supervisors builds on the youth engagement strategies introduced to your frontline staff. Together, we'll review the key concepts they've learned - fostering developmental relationships, crafting driving questions, and applying the 5 Es (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate). The focus will shift to how you, as a leader, can identify and celebrate success in practice. Learn practical approaches to coaching your team and walk away with tools to access progress, support your staff, and ensure sustainable program impact. Participants will: * Receive an overview of the strategies that the Youth Development Professionals learned * Review the activities presented and planned by the Youth Development Professionals during the session * Utilize a "Look-Fors" tool that can be used to assess implementation and give staff feedback on their use of the resources they learned.
Hillary Jones is the Director, Professional Learning within the Center for Afterschool and Expanded Learning, providing professional development, technical assistance, and content development to our clients nationwide.Hillary’s career began as a teacher in the city of Camden teaching... Read More →
Monday February 17, 2025 8:40am - 10:40am EST
Sussex Room