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About me
Yana List is an Education Specialist in the Center for Afterschool and Expanding Learning, responsible primarily for content development. Yana’s background is in science education; she spent four years teaching high school biology and chemistry, in addition to crafting a science curriculum and providing supplementary professional development in her role as curriculum specialist.
Yana earned a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and Education from Swarthmore College and a Master’s degree in Curriculum Development from Ball State University. Although her focus has largely been on science education, Yana is particularly proud of a curriculum she wrote on LGBTQ inclusion and representation in media.
Yana is an avid reader, actively participating in four or five book clubs! She is also involved in a number of causes, including her work with HeadCount, a voter registration organization. In her free time, Yana loves to lavish attention on her brilliant cat Hermione, bake bread, or browse for clothes at Target.